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Top Two Compounds to Clear Out Aging Cells

Senescent cells are non-functional cells that need to be escorted out to clear a path for healthy new cells. You'll want to use senolytics to get the job done!

The term “senolytic” may be intimidating, but it’s simply a category of compounds that help the body eliminate aging senescent cells. Senescent cells aren’t dead, but they’re also not functional, so they need to be cleared out through a naturally occurring process called apoptosis, otherwise they pile up and create chaos.

As we age, apoptosis is less active, so senescent cells aren’t cleared out efficiently, leading to inflammation that spreads to neighboring cells. And we know this triggers inflammaging, the source of many age-related diseases.

Natural senolytic supplements can be used to sidestep apoptosis when it isn’t working hard enough to clear out menacing cells. Pharmaceutical research has also discovered that some drugs act like senolytics, but those won’t be included in this discussion. Scientists have found many different natural senolytic compounds that each act on specific tissues. This mean some senolytics might be good at clearing out senescent nerve cells, and some may be more efficient at getting rid of non-functioning cardiovascular cells. If you’re interested in using natural senolytics for healthy aging, you probably want to take more than one to get a synergistic effect that targets multiple tissues. Fisetin and quercetin are the top two natural supplements that I recommend focusing on.

Facts About Fisetin

Fisetin is a compound found in many fruits and vegetables, but in very small quantities. Strawberries have the highest concentration, but apples, persimmons, lotus, onions, grapes, cucumbers, and tomatoes also have small amounts. In a lab test looking for the most effective senolytic compound, fisetin was the winner, by a long shot.

Animal research on fisetin shows that it helped prevent cells from becoming senescent in many different tissues. It also can help eliminate cells that were already senescent and no longer functioning. When fisetin was given to older animals, it helped reduce age-related diseases and seemed to extend the animals lifespan.

Fisetin works by reducing inflammaging, one of the root causes of age-related diseases. Fisetin inhibits the various substances that trigger inflammation in the body. It also counteracts excessive oxidation, which causes DNA damage in cells. It has been suggested that fisetin could be beneficial in counteracting neurodegenerative processes specifically and may improve cognitive function. There is also a study showing that fisetin can benefit aging skin by reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Curious About Quercetin?

Quercetin is a compound that you may be familiar with because it’s been sold as a dietary supplement for many decades. It’s also present in many foods; the list is long, but some of the top sources of quercetin are onions, asparagus, apples, citrus, berries, and cherries. It’s a potent antioxidant from the flavonoid family.

Quercetin works by reducing inflammation by inhibiting NF-kB, an inflammatory compound linked to arthritis and other conditions. Quercetin is typically recommended to support heart health because it protects cardiac tissue and reduces blood pressure. Animal research shows that quercetin increases lifespan and supports mitochondrial function in making energy. It also helps reduce neuroinflammation to protect the brain. Quercetin has been shown in cell studies to act as a senolytic because it activates apoptosis (kills non-functional cells) in specific types of senescent cells.

Quercetin bioavailability is low, especially in supplement form, but taking it with fatty foods may help. Dihydroquercetin is a highly absorbable form of quercetin and is especially effective when used in a sustain release formula. Getting quercetin from food is ideal, but plan on eating a lot of fruits and vegetables every day to get a benefit.

Senolytic Dosing is Different

Most dietary supplements work best when used daily, but this is not the case with senolytics. It’s recommended to dose fisetin intermittently, also known as “hit and run” dosing. Fisetin supplement instructions will direct you to take high doses for only 2-3 days consecutively, and repeat again in a month, giving the body time to clear out non-functioning cells. A formula containing fisetin and quercetin, along with black pepper to enhance absorption, makes it easy to add senolytics to your supplement program.



Elsallabi O, Patruno A, Pesce M, Cataldi A, Carradori S, Gallorini M. Fisetin as a Senotherapeutic Agent: Biopharmaceutical Properties and Crosstalk between Cell Senescence and Neuroprotection. Molecules. 2022; 27(3):738.

Deepika; Maurya, P.K. Health Benefits of Quercetin in Age-Related Diseases. Molecules 2022, 27, 2498.

Matthew J. Yousefzadeh, Fisetin is a senotherapeutic that extends health and lifespan, EBioMedicine, Volume 36, 2018, Pages 18-28,

Martel, J, Ojcius, DM, Wu, C-Y, et al. Emerging use of senolytics and senomorphics against aging and chronic diseases. Med Res Rev. 2020; 40: 2114– 2131.

Kaşıkcı M. B, Bağdatlıoğlu N. Bioavailability of Quercetin. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci 2016;4(Special Issue Confernce October 2016). doi :


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