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Start Your Healthy Aging Journey - Part One

So...where do I start?

You’re ready to kick off your healthy aging program to start reversing aging, but where do you begin? It can be overwhelming. Scientists have identified at least 12 hallmarks that make us age…maybe more! That’s a lot to digest, even for a physician.

I’m here to make it simple for you.

Below is a breakdown on the key categories to focus on, and if you want to dig into the science, click on the links to learn more.

I also made recommendations on the best and most effective supplements available. There are a lot of supplements out there overpromising and underdelivering, but I know the truth. I weeded through all the junk supplements and overpriced formulas to identify the best value, highest quality physician supplements exclusively for you.

The top three categories that will make a noticeable difference in your health are energy, inflammation, and gut balance. These will build the foundation of health that you’ll need to feel great and motivate you to stay on the path of healthy aging!

  1. Energy: NAD+ helps the mitochondria (known as the energy powerhouse) of our cells make ATP, the energy that drives us. Supplementing with nicotinamide riboside (NR) can help increase NAD+ production in the body, making it one of the most crucial compounds for boosting your zest for life.

    1. Take Tru Niagen Pro 300 or Pro 500, which contains nicotinamide riboside (NR), the precursor for NAD+ production. This ingredient helps the body make more NAD+, which powers many healthy aging functions, including providing non-stimulating, consistent energy. Start with the 300 mg, one cap every morning.

  2. Inflammation: Most people have extra inflammation, especially if you’re over 50. You probably won’t feel much at first when you start using supplements to reduce inflammation, but over time, balancing it will make a noticeable difference in your joints, muscles and clear-thinking.

    1. One of the best inflammation-balancing herbal extracts is curcumin from turmeric. It increases glutathione and reduces inflammatory cytokines. Not all products are equal! Enfla-mend Px uniquely contains curcumin and whole turmeric, plus phosphatidylcholine and black pepper extract to enhance curcumin absorption- making this the most potent formula available. Take one cap twice daily.

  3. Gut Balance: Almost every part of your body is influenced by your gut microbiome- immune, mood, skin and pain- so you just can’t ignore this one. If things feel a little off down there, make sure you rebalance your gut microbiome.

    1. DFH PrebioMed XOS is a blend xyloogiosaccharides (XOS) prebiotics and 10 billion CFU of Bifidobacteria probiotics (the good bacteria you need more of). Take one cap daily.

Once you’re comfortable with these first three steps and eating a healthy diet, you'll be ready for Part Two of Your Healthy Aging Journey!



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