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Healthy Aging
Made Easy

Learn the root causes of aging

and discover the solutions.


The Science of Aging

Dr. Jen, Naturopathic Doctor

Over three quarters of Americans are using supplements, with the over-forty crowd being the largest consumers.

No doubt, aging is on our mind. We want to maintain our energy, brain-power, glowing skin and healthy hair.


Want the secrets to healthy aging, made easy? Dr. Jen will reveal the science of aging and share tips to slow the aging process, leveraging supplements and lifestyle activities to your advantage.


  • Boost Energy with AMPK Activity >>
    How It Works AMPK is known as the master switch of the body because it controls many important functions, such as making energy, balancing blood sugar, and cell recycling (autophagy). It naturally slows down as we age. Science Backed Solutions Keeping AMPK active keeps us feeling energetic and youthful. Natural ingredients can boost AMPK activity to trigger cell repair and renewal. This process is called autophagy, which supports cellular balance. AMPK Activation Support: Resveratrol Berberine
  • Rejuvenate Cells with Autophagy >>
    How It Works Think of autophagy as household recycling. It’s a beneficial process that breaks down damaged cell components, and recycles them to repair cells or create needed energy. Autophagy translates to “self-eating”, but in a good way that keeps cells healthy. Science Backed Solutions Sleep and exercise support autophagy recycling to keep cells active. So do herbs and nutrients. Autophagy Support: Melatonin Curcumin
  • Knock Out Zombie Senescent Cells >>
    How it Works Senescent cells are also called zombie cells, because they are non-functional cells that linger and spread inflammation to neighboring cells. Inflammation accelerates aging. Think of senescent cells as yellow leaves on a tree; they’re useless, but still consume the tree’s valuable resources until they fall. Science Backed Solutions Compounds called senolytics (from plants or pharmaceuticals) help clean out damaged cells and clear a pathway for new active cells. Senolytics are the garbage trucks of the body. Senolytic Support: Quercetin Fisetin NAD
  • Beat Inflammation + Inflammaging >>
    How It Works Imagine inflammaging as the hub of a wheel, where the spokes are all the other root causes of aging. They all trigger inflammation, which seeps throughout the body, causing inflammaging. Inflammaging is linked to age-related diseases such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease, and osteoporosis. Science Backed Solutions Focus on reducing inflammation, which stems from many sources including unhealthy gut microbiome, infection, obesity, and poor diet. The solution is to target multiple factors. Inflammaging Support: Curcumin NAD Berberine Microbiome Support
  • Fortify Gut Barriers + Microbiome >>
    How It Works Everyday exposure to toxins, pollution, medications and processed foods cause the protective gut barriers to breakdown and alters the beneficial bacteria that the gut needs. This allows harmful particles to access the body and increase inflammation. Science Backed Solutions Replenish the gut microbiome by restoring good bacteria and repairing the gut lining. A healthy microbiome is linked to good immunity, mood, and skin. Microbiome Support: Probiotics & Prebiotics


Dr. Jen will break down the latest in aging research, and explain it simply so you can make the most educated decisions about your health.

As you learn, you can choose from a curated selection of science-based, physician grade supplements, to make healthy aging easier.

Be confident that you're choosing the right ingredients, in the right amounts, for the right reasons.

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